
Psychedelic Doom Rock @ Final Gate Records – request booking

In the summer of 2013 MONOLITH's three musicians decided that they had better record an album since they had already jammed their songs often enough to be worth recording.

A word and a blow. Months of sweat-inducing, earsplitting sessions, hours of mixing, quite a number of phone calls and emails with record labels, some photo shootings, as well as many gallons of beer later the trio is now able to proudly present their outcome: Dystopia – finest 70s-style doom-rock. Intentionally they went without the whole spectrum modern recording technology can offer.

“We wanted everything to sound as raw as possible. So we recorded everything live and didn't do much overdubbing, except for some guitar solos and the vocals which we recorded afterward.” Osenbrück (git). “In the 70s it wasn't possible to boost the low frequencies as much as it is usually done nowadays. But old-fashioned music has to sound like old music. So we took special care to not let the bass sound be too fat.” Dittmann (drums/backing vox). “During the mixing process we didn't post process the instrument's tracks too much. For most songs it was just high-cuts, low-cuts, delay – done.” Brummerloh (bass/vox). Finally, what makes a good album are four things: Good songs, smart arrangements, proper musicianship, and, last but not least that you can actually hear that the musicians really dig what they are doing.


  • “Monolith greifen nach dem Erbe von Black Sabbath..nun schließen sich Monolith aus Bremen an, dem Uralt-Sound ein Denkmal zu setzen.”

    Visions, de
  • “Regardless of influence and likenesses though the number one goal with any band is to make a good album and German space rockers Monolith have certainly done that! Respect the riff!”

    Destructive Music, gb
  • “This German doomrock trio did it for me! Their rock is easy accessible and has a great groove in it!”

    Lords of Metal, nl
  • “Eine sehr gelungene Melange aus Psychedelic Rock und dem guten alten Doom! Leute, kauft Euch dieses herrliche Werk!”

    XXL Rock

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